
In December 2019, the EBA published its Sustainable action plan which comprises of 4 different themes: Risk Management, Stress Testing, and Reporting and Regulatory Treatment. European banks will have to comply with these new requirements, phased in until 2025.



The implementation of the EBA action plan will have several impacts for clients :

  • Data (RSE, Risk, Finance)
  • Models (stress testing, scenario analysis)
  • Reporting (IT, governance and data collection)
  • Prudential treatment (supporting factors, RWAs, SREP)


Benefice clients

  • We have built a team of experts who advise banks in preparing for the new SF reporting requirements. Our methodology is based on a deep understanding of TCFD (Taskforce for Climate related Finance Disclosure), SASB (Sustainable Accounting Standard Board), NFRD (Non Financial Reporting Directive
  • We are working with specialised companies and ONGs to better assess transition risk.
  • We are participating in several panels and events within the industry, the EBG, the EU and the EBA

Our Partner Charles Morel will personally answer all your questions.